Greece letter OIC

Minister for Foreing Affaires
of the Kingdom of Morocco


Allow me to draw your kind attention to the forthcoming Ministerial meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Jeddah, where once again, a draft resolution on the situation of the Muslim Minority residing in Thracem northeastern Greece, will be tabled.

The OIC’s interest in Muslim communities and minorities around the world is, certinly, legitimate and understandable. However, these issues should be dealt in an impartial manner, away from political expediencies or any national agendas.

I regret that the OIC, in its annual resolutions, continues to put forward a highly distorter view of the situation of the Muslim Mo¡inority in Thrace. These allegations are politically motivated and alien to the religious and cultural realities on the ground. Greece for years has been expressing its opposition to the inaccurate Resolutions pertaining to the situation of the Muslim Minority in Thrace.
Furthermore, I believe that extending the resolution to the Muslims in Rhodes and Kos (Dodecanase) serves to legitimate purpose, other than being politically motivated. The Greek citizens of Muslim faith residing in these two islands enjoy the same rights and have the same obligations as all their fellow citizens, irrespectively of their religion. In fact, they are harmoniously integrated in the Greek society and have reached a high level of welfare and social progress.

In view of the above, I am kindly asking for a more objective presentation in this year’s OIC general resolution on the situation of the Muslim minority in Thrace. This could be done without a separate, country-specific resolution. I believe you would agree that Greece cannot be treated by the OIC in its resolution as a case equal to the very few countries where serious violations of the rights of Muslim minorities are reported. I am, also, kindly asking to avoid the inclusion of references to the Muslims of the Dodecanese.

I would highli appreciate Your Excellency’s active involvement in view of the forthcoming OIC ministerial meeting in Jeddah, by presenting a written reservation to such resolutions. After all, the objectivity of reports can only contribute to the prestige of the Organization, which Greece highly esteems.

Counting on your valuable support, allow me, Excellency and dear colleague, to reiterate the expression of my highest consideration.

Evangelos Venizelos
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